30+ Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

One of the very first things my doctor told me after my celiac disease was this: "Right now, there is no celiac disease cure...you can only manage your symptoms by sticking to a strict gluten free diet."

And but, over six years after that second, I nonetheless frequently come upon individuals who say that they "used" to have celiac ailment.

30+ Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

Yeah. The word "used to" boggles my mind simply as a good deal because it does yours!

But thinking about these "past" celiacs (as well as this awesome post from Carb Counting Mama about mythical "cures" for Type 1 Diabetes) got me curious. I found myself asking: what are some of the most common "cures" that are suggested to people with celiac disease like me? And, even better, what are some of the weirdest?

So I scoured gluten loose Facebook help companies, Reddit and Quora threads, and polled my very own Insta fans...And right here's what I got here up with!

Keep in mind...As I wrote above, there's currently NO celiac disease cure (even though there are some treatment plans being examined in various research research). All the celiac disorder "cures" are listed beneath completely for entertainment functions, as well as in hopes that they will serve as a reminder to take different people's advice - specifically about your fitness! - with a grain of salt.

Let's begin with three of the MOST not unusual wrong celiac sickness "treatment options":

1. You need to go gluten free to heal the intestinal damage initially caused by celiac disease...but as soon as your antibodies test at a "regular" stage, you are cured and can eat whatever you want!

Cue the booing audience soundtrack, because this is definitely very false! Yes, you will test negative for celiac disease and not show any intestinal damage after going gluten free, but that's only because you're not eating gluten. As soon as you start, all that damage will come back...and "once again", you will have celiac!

30 Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

2. Now, let's discuss "cure" number two: keeping or adding a little gluten back into your diet so that your body can slowly become more tolerant of it. This is a practice calledoral immunotherapy, and it's becoming a more common treatment for people with food allergies. You can also read here about how injectable immunotherapy may be helpful for people with celiac disease in the (likely far) future.However, it is important to keep in mind that celiac disease is NOT the same thing as a food allergy, and exposing someone with celiac disease to low doses of gluten will not "improve their tolerance" of it.

3. And finally, the infamous, "Oh, I bet you'll grow out of it!"Beep. Wrong answer! When you're diagnosed with celiac disease, you have it for life.

But maybe the friends or coworkers speaking about how their aunt or cousin magically "healed" their celiac disorder credits a one-of-a-kind technique.

You realize...Something a touch more opportunity-medication-like.

Here are just a couple of real-life suggestions people have gotten on how to cure their celiac disease:

  • "Heal your gut." Yes, working on creating a happy gut by eating probiotic-rich foods, avoiding foods that mess with your body, etc. may help you feel better in the long run...but it won't let you just magically go back to eating Papa John's pizza.
  • Use a detoxing diet protocol or product line...and I'm not gonna name any names, but if you've ever been in a Facebook group related to eating gluten free, you've probably seen at least a few posts talking about the latest miracle pill or juice line.

30 Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

  • Do a parasite cleanse.
  • Clear up the yeast infection that caused celiac disease in the first place. Now, there are studies linking yeast infections or fungal infections and celiac disease, and some even suggest yeast overgrowth could be the trigger to celiac disease or the reason why some people with celiac disease don't feel 100% even after going gluten free. But the only site I found saying clearing up a yeast infection "fixed" someone with celiac was selling a yeast cleanse product...and repeatedly used "celiac" and "gluten intolerance" to mean the same thing. Sooo...do with that what you will.
  • Try Chinese acupuncture to "reset" your immune system. People in the comments did report their seasonal allergies had improved via acupuncture...but from what I've seen, no celiacs have yet been cured via needles.
And now, drum roll please....we get to the food.

Currently, eating gluten loose is the handiest technology-subsidized treatment for celiac disorder...However that doesn't hold different people from suggesting specific or maybe greater restrictive diets.

Dietary Choices That Can "Cure" Celiac Disease:

  • Eating gluten from Europe, since its different processing protocols or ingredients make it "safe" for people with celiac disease. Unfortunately, wheat is wheat...and all wheat, gluten and barley are dangerous for people with celiac.
  • That you actually just need to avoid pesticides covering food, not the food itself. I'm pretty sure pesticide-free wheat will still hurt me. And so far, one of the only studies linking pesticides with celiac disease (in a causal relationship) was later said to have made conclusions "not supported by the available scientific evidence."
  • Only eating organic fruits and veggies and free-range meats. Which is basically just one form of a gluten free diet, which doesn't "cure" celiac disease but does treat the symptoms.

30 Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

  • Guzzling bone broth.
  • Drinking celery juice on the daily.
  • Eating allll the bananas. At least this celiac disease cure has history, considering that doctors first treated people with celiac disease by prescribing a banana-only diet.
  • Eating a plant-based diet. You can certainly eat a plant-based and gluten free diet, and you may even find eating plant-based makes you feel healthier overall...but it won't let you eat gluten again if you have celiac disease.
  • Avoiding GMOs.
  • Only eating whole wheat versus refined flours. Because whole wheat is definitely what someone who can't tolerate gluten or wheat needs to heal? Yeah, I'm lost on this one.
This is when my research really started getting fun (in a twisted sort of way, I suppose). Because the more I searched, the more weeeeird celiac disease "cures" I discovered.

We'll start out quite tame with just 3 "healthy living" hacks that are often suggested to quite a good deal all and sundry with a chronic infection.

  • Doing yoga. I can confirm that doing hot yoga regularly will not sweat out your inability to eat gluten.
  • Juicing. Unfortunately, I don't believe fruits and veggies can change our genes...
  • Drinking hot water every morning. Apparently, this is what everyone in Cambodia suggested one celiac traveler should try...

30+ Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

And then there are the countless things you can buy to "fix" your digestion, your mood and, of course, your autoimmune disease.

Just to call a few examples, here are a few marketable celiac sickness "cures" many celiacs consider being pitched:

  • Essential oils...because what CAN'T essential oils do these days?!?
  • Probiotics. Taking probiotics has definitely transformed my gut health for the better, but there is a major limit to their "healing" powers.
  • Chinese medicine. Again...these cure everything, right?
  • Digestive enzymes. Possibly helpful when at risk for cross-contamination while eating out or if you have gluten intolerance. Not helpful for de-activating your celiac gene.
  • Activated charcoal. Sammmme as above.
And finally, the grand finale: a bunch of celiac disease cure suggestions that I saw on my computer screen and couldn't help but think:

"This is too weird to make up."

  • Get pregnant and your body will "magically" fix its celiac disease. Who knew we all just needed a bun in the oven to suddenly eat wheat?
  • Prayer. I know this is a touchy subject, and I don't include this "cure" in this grouping as an intentional attack on anyone who believes in the power of prayer. I agree that miracles can happen...but that it's also irresponsible to suggest that people with celiac disease can or should just pray about being able to eat gluten and still put their body in harm's way...
  • Meditating regularly and reducing stress.Definitely beneficial in helping you cope with the stress of having an autoimmune disease. But that's about it.

30 Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

  • Exorcism?!? Yeah...I'll just leave that one here. (And note that the person who shared this story considers the wannabe celiac "exorcist" an ex-friend. Not surprising, I'd say!).
  • Thinking positively.
  • Communion wafers that are made with gluten. As the commenter put it, "I know God loves me, but God's gluten wafer definitely doesn't."
  • Going to a psychologist or therapist. Celiac disease CAN have a psychological impact on the people who have it, but it's not rooted in our minds.
  • Waving vials of wheat near your body to "desensitize" it to gluten. A mom heard this tip from her daughter's doctor. Safe to say, they soon found a new practitioner to visit.

What I Hope You Take Away From This Post

At the end of the day, I could be ecstatic if there was a celiac ailment remedy...Now not necessarily even for me to apply, but as a wonderful option for my kids, ought to they inherit my celiac disease.

Right now, though, there is no cure for celiac disease - just eating gluten free to treat celiac's symptoms.

I recognise that reality may be difficult to simply accept, especially in case you're newly recognized or struggling with celiac-associated troubles proper now.

30 Simple to Surprising Suggestions That Won't Cure Celiac Disease

But also know this: over six years after my celiac diagnosis, I can honestly say that I'm living pretty dang happily while eating gluten free. And you can too.

So if friends or coworkers do suggest a less-than-scientific way to magically "fix" your celiac disease, I hope you can laugh off their suggestions and be grateful for everything you still can do, even while living with celiac disease.

Has a person ever told you they "cured" their celiac disease or understand a person who did? I'd like to pay attention your tales within the comments!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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