Grateful Glimpses

Thanksgiving...a day full of family, food, football (and essay writing for this college celiac!). As my semester speeds up to finals week in only three weeks, I savored the chance to slow down with family this break.

I slowed down taking two yoga classes with my dad, both of which focused on the theme of gratitude. As we moved into our flow, we were instructed to visualize someone or something in our life we appreciate. You never know what will pop into your head when you're drowning in a 103 degrees hot yoga class!

We also wrote down grateful mind...

Each class, I walked out feeling refreshed in a way I've missed these last busy weeks at school. It reminded me of the importance of scheduling in "me time"...especially with three essays and incoming finals on my plate!

I slowed down on Thursday as Mom and I cooked up a gluten free feast! This year, we made the usual favorites of green bean casserole, ham, turkey, stuffing, gravy, and potatoes.

My favorite part, though? Our experiment: gluten and dairy free biscuits using The Good Scone's all purpose flour and biscuit recipe. This was the first biscuit if eaten since my diagnosis two years ago...and the buttery flavor and flaky texture was well worth the wait!

I slowed down on a morning walk with the folks and little Miss Sammi. I love seeing the changing leaves - it, along with colder weather, announce that fall has finally reached Southern California!

Falling into journey!

I slowed down at the grocery store days before Thanksgiving, in shock to see three mini gluten free pies by my favorite pie company, Katz!

Last year, we tried the apple pie and fell in love! Despite being gluten, dairy, nut and soy free, the pie boasted a crumbly crust, and sweet but not overwhelming apple center. This year, my mom reports the pumpkin pie is equally delicious! (Not to mention easy as pie to bake - only 45 minutes in the oven!)

Pie. That's all!

I slowed down even the night before I drove back to campus. To get into the Christmas Spirit, my family pulled our Christmas tree from the attic and loaded it up with our favorite ornaments.

I still have a long way to go until Christmas break...and a lot of Thanksgiving leftovers to fuel me through school! Definitely one of the best parts about Thanksgiving (whether piled on a salad or baked into enchiladas).

Our completed product!

I won't lie and say this was the most stress-free Thanksgiving I've ever had. Sadly, a big pile of homework did the turkey trot home with me! But, I savored the break all the same. Food + family + adventures.

Now that's a combination worthy of thanks.

What have been some of your Thanksgiving highlights? Did you prepare dinner anything new this year? Comment below!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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