Clips of Christmas

It's hard to believe, but after all the buildup, gift shopping and cookie baking, Christmas is already over! I hope everyone had a wonderful day full of friends, family, and (gluten free) food.

As everyone recovers from their holiday excitement, I thought I'd share some clips of this college celiac's Christmas!


For some gluten free cookie action, my mom and I turned to our trusty The Good Scone. Using their Vanilla Cake Mix, we whipped up some gluten free and vegan sugar cookies in only a few easy steps!

Though the batter was too gooey to use our cookie cutters on, I freestyled lots of candy canes, fat snowmen and hearts. Sprinkled with a little cinnamon, my family agreed these are the best GF cookies we've made so far!

casey the college celiac
Cookie crazy!

For the gluten-eaters, my sister used her artistic swag to cook and decorate gingerbread men, stars and sassy lips (kisses for Santa, maybe)? The key to a happy gluten filled and free household, I've found, is compromise. We get our cookies; they get theirs. And, after a thorough cleaning of the kitchen, it's celiac-safe again.


Christmas morning involved a lot of laughs, thanks to Dad's gift of fake mustaches for the whole family. What I learned? It's really hard to smile with a mustache - props to all happy mustached men! My favorite PJ shirt from my senior year of high school - which rocks the quote "Being weird isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle" - fit our holiday pictures perfectly.

casey the college celiac
Incognito Christmas?

Some of the best gifts? My "100% gluten free" and "gluten free chick" buttons for my backpack, and a shirt with a pop tart telling a toaster, "Don't taze me bro." If I can't eat gluten, I might as well wear it! A lot has changed since the past two gluten free Christmases. I'm at a stable weight; I know how to feed myself safely; and I strut some celiac swag with the best of them!


Like with any holiday, not everything went according to plan. A missing camera for the family photo; a game of Trivial Pursuit that might have made this college senior feel like a challenged kindergartner.

But, we discovered the dog has a maniacal love for destroying Christmas wrapping paper (Merry Christmas, Sammi!). Mom and I also ended up cooking the best Christmas dinner (all gluten free, except for a tray of crescent rolls) so far.

The trick to a delicious GF green bean casserole? Add one and a half cans of cream of mushroom soup and a bit of rice milk to a large serving of freshly cooked green beans chopped in thirds. Then, toast and chop four slices of Canyon Bakehouse bread. Pour half the bread crumbs into the casserole to bake; pan fry the other half for a crunchy topping poured on the top in the last 15 minutes of cooking. Heaven!

casey the college celiac
Some of our chocolates!

Another fun fact? Biscuits made with The Good Scone's all purpose flour taste just as delicious frozen and defrosted!

We ended both Christmas Eve and Christmas by curling up with the last season of Mad Men and a few run away cookies. Nothing like a cozy night in (and lots of TV drama!) to make a girl thankful.

casey the college celiac
TV and own family...

This was my third gluten free Christmas and I feel so blessed. For time with a family who doesn't mind accommodating my diet. For presents - like a fish spatula and new water bottle - that will make my next semester of college even easier (and tastier!). And for the chance to just relax with my loved ones.

The new year will be here before we know it. But, right now, I'm enjoying the last days of this one.

What had been the highlights of your Christmas? Any gluten loose presents? Comment below!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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