Celiac and Wisdom Teeth: Part 2

The last time I talked to you all, I had four wisdom teeth and two normally-sized cheeks. Two days since my appointment, both of those traits have changed.

The new me!

My actual appointment flew by. Around 11 on Thursday morning, I walked into the dentist office sporting my "Life is Good" t-shirt, my own form of sarcastic rebellion. An hour later, a nurse wheeled me out to our car, my mouth full of gauze and my brain fuzzy with drugs. No complications, no massive bleeding and no traumatic memories.

So, I suppose the surgery itself went smoothly - as smoothly as yanking out four teeth from a jaw bone can go. The recovery? It's been bumpy to say the least.

Honestly, I feel glutened. There's the post-surgery brain fog that fragments my memory into glances and blinks. Collapsing on the couch. Scanning my favorite blogs (and luckily not being stupid enough to try to write a coherent reply). Wobbling through the house to find water or use the restroom.

I'm feeling a little zombified...

Then there's the full-body fatigue. Shaky legs? Check. Heavy feet? Check. Lack of motivation to move any portion of your body more than an inch? Check! In my last post, I said that the only thing worse than having my wisdom teeth removed would be getting glutened at the same time. I guess this spunky body of mine decided to accept the challenge. Go figure.

Beyond glutened-like symptoms, there is the most amusing result of wisdom teeth removal: the swelling. On the first day, it wasn't bad at all. I had a little squarer jaw, puffy at the bottom, and I joked that I looked like a supermodel who makes money off her weird bone structure. Then, it kept inflating…and inflating.

Swelling Day 2...

I've heard stories of people who experience little to no swelling and are munching on potato chips two days later. Me? This mutant chipmunk isn't leaving her home for a while now.

Despite all of these nasty side effects, though, this wisdom teeth warrior is winning the battle. Even without the standard narcotics, my lovely friends Motrin and Tylenol are kicking pain's butt. Nausea attacks at random, but more meds - and as full a stomach as I can bear - lower the damage. And, although I can't gorge on Ben and Jerry's or instant breakfasts, I'm reviving my taste buds with green smoothies and applesauce.

More scrumptious than it seems!

Things have changed since I last talked to you. The imagining and planning for wisdom teeth removal (not to mention the four teeth themselves) are gone, and full-body inflammation has taken it's place. Honestly, these last two days have stunk. I've cried, I've whined and I'm never going to complain about eating gluten free (solid) food ever again!

Even as I stare in the mirror at my swollen face, force my heavy limbs to the bathroom or choke down my third shake of the day, I try to focus on healing. I try to remember how I beat celiac after it whipped my butt for almost a year.

Wisdom teeth ain't got nothing on me.

Stay tuned for my last addition to the Celiac and Wisdom Teeth series, where I will dish on lessons learned, celiac tips and more!

How do you stay prompted during fitness issues? How was your healing from expertise teeth surgery? Comment underneath!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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