Milton's Craft Baking: Review and Giveaway

Thanks to the gluten free fad, finding processed celiac-safe goodies is easier than ever. Finding ones that are delicious and nutritious? Now, that's the challenge!

Milton's Baking Company, however, is one company that meets all of this college celiac's criteria. Delicious? Check (as my high cracker/chip consumption in the last weeks would show). Nutritious? Their GF crackers are baked instead of fried and the cookies are free of trans fat, high fructose corn syrup, nuts and xanthan gum.Celiac-friendly? Milton's actually began as a restaurant in Del Mar, California (not too far away from me!) and, ironically, I tried their products for the first time at the Gluten Free and Allergen Friendly Expo in Del Mar. Talk about fate...though I'll admit I would've fallen in love wherever my first bite happened!

Milton's was kind enough to send me a large sample basket to devour taste test, and I decided to share all the details on the four products that stood out the most. A small hint: keep reading to see how you can win your own sample basket to try!

casey the college celiac
All the goodies!
Himalayan Sea Salt Chips: Hands down, these are one of the best chips I've tasted since my diagnosis! The chips are crispy, not greasy; the seasonings offer a punch of spice (particularly, coriander, cumin, garlic and pink Himalayan sea salt) without being overpowering; and the hint of salt makes these chips the perfect accompaniment to salsa!

In particular, I loved eating these chips with homemade burrito bowls (the Chipotle cravings are real!) and enchilada baked spaghetti squash. Add lots of fresh avocado for the prefect crunchy-creamy bite!

casey the college celiac
Crunchy action!
Nacho Cheese Chips: My dad and sister actually taste tested these for me - what a sacrifice! - because I'm not a huge fan of cheese chips and dairy doesn't agree with me. Considering that a week after I brought the chips, the bag looked empty, I'd say they were fans!

According to my sister, herbs and spices are well-distributed throughout each chip. Like the other chips, these also give a satisfying crunch and, being a little thicker than most chips, a heartier bite. Hannah especially loved how fresh the chips tasted. In fact, she compared them to Doritos - except less artificial and processed!

casey the college celiac
Cheesy attack...
Multigrain Crackers: Before my celiac diagnosis, one of my favorite school lunches included homemade ham and cheese or peanut butter cracker sandwiches. I'm happy to say that this delicacy can now re-enter my lunching life with Milton's Multigrain crackers! These babies offer an even heftier crunch than the chips, probably thanks to the visible air-bubbles baked throughout.

Various flours - including brown rice, potato, oats, corn, millet, quinoa, amaranth - give the crackers an earthy flavor that melds well with a variety of toppings, from fruit to avocado to meats and veggies. Be aware, though, that these do contain dairy (from whey protein).

casey the college celiac
Perfect (crunchy) bite!
Chocolate Chip Cookie: Finally, something on the sweet side! Milton's promises a soft-baked cookie and, unlike the crunchy or dry texture of many GF goodies, Milton's delivered. The dough tasted soft and chocolate chips filled every bite. I'll admit that I don't like the cookies as much as the chips and crackers - probably because my taste buds aren't used to high-sugar treats.

One of the best indicators of a good gluten free product? What gluten-eaters think! During our girl's night, one of my friends dug into my cookie stash. And while she loves gluten, these cookies apparently tasted good enough for several to disappear.

casey the college celiac
You're the apple cookie of my eye!
Beyond their tasty treats, I also love Milton's Craft Baking for its community service goals. I recently discussed with Milton's about their latest project: working with clinics and nurses to provide gluten free baskets of products to newly diagnosed celiacs. Because walking out of the hospital room with a new "celiac" identity could be a little easier with a bag of safe food in hand!

*This post is also found at RunningwithSpoon's link party!*

For the chance to win your own bag of samples, enter the raffle below!

A Rafflecopter giveaway

*I received these products without fee to study, but my reviews are all my personal!*

What's your favorite taste of chip? Have you ever attempted Milton's merchandise? Sign under!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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