A College Celiac's Exercise Routine

Exercise is a lot like dating. The first few times mainly consist of butterflies, anxiety and excitement. (And maybe some mild and not so mild urges to puke). With more practice and the right partner, though, exercise is more than fun and dependable - it's worth looking forward to!

Spurred from some requests from Instagram, today I'm sharing what workouts typically fill my week. I inherited a love of exercise - and its stress relieving magical powers - from my dad so I usually exercise every day, but to different degrees or intensities. My biggest piece of advice? Listen to your body and your interests. If you or your body isn't a fan, take a break from exercise or try something new!

casey the college celiac
Planks definitely happen a lot!
During the school year, my exercise habits obviously depend on my classes. This semester, I exercise in the morning before class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Because I have a tight schedule on these days, I like to use my fitness secret-weapon: the Nike Training Club app. I've been using this app for over two years now and have yet to be disappointed or bored. Users can choose between workouts focused on getting lean, toned or strong, as well as workouts that target areas of the body (like butt, legs, arms, abs, etc).

In particular, I love using Nike's HIIT workouts and the ones designed to increase strength. Lifting weights two mornings a week helps me build muscle and while having time to for my arms (or butt - those weighted squats!) to recover. Throwing the Hollywood Ab Blast into the mix every once in a while doesn't hurt either!

casey the college celiac
One of my favorite apps..
On Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I hit the school gym to do some multitasking on the exercise machines. After I strained my IT band two years ago, I went steady with the stationary bike. If you deal with knee issues, I especially recommend a reclined stationary bike - I can cover 12 miles on the one at my school without any problems! Don't be afraid to experiment with different programs as well. I love the Hills and Intervals functions; changes in intensity and speed throughout a workout are great ways to increase the challenge of a routine workout.

Recently, though, I've also gotten hooked on my gym's stair stepper. Although I initially thought endlessly climbing stairs would be boring, the various programs - from intervals to random - and intensities always surprise me. Not to mention make me sweat buckets! Both the stationary bike and stair stepper are also optimal machines for multitasking college students. I write blog posts, study for tests, read books, catch up on my Instagram - all while peddling or stepping away!

Stationary bike = an updated, safer (?) version of this!
I usually do these machines for forty-five minutes to an hour, often adding ten minutes of ab exercises at the end. I always love the accomplished feeling of walking out the gym with a workout and my studying done!

Saturday and Sunday are wild card workouts for me. Ever since my dad and I began taking yoga classes at our local Core Power studio, I love squeezing in a yoga session during the weekend (with him if I'm home). Yoga refreshes my mind and my body, especially when I roll out of bed and onto my yoga mat. I can also attest that yoga can give you some crazy improvement in arm and core strength! (Next on my to-do list: handstands).

casey the college celiac
Some weekend snaps!
Besides that, some weekends I'll stop by my school's weight room for weighted squats and arm exercises. Sometimes I go on amazing eight-mile hikes to Potato Chip Rock with my roomie and dad. Sometimes I don't do anything besides a long walk across campus or along the cliffs.

Just like dating, exercise is meant to enhance life, not detract from or control it. It's taken me years to find out what exercises make me happy and healthy, and my favorite activities have changed with time. A few years ago, I played soccer, did workouts on the Wii and couldn't touch my toes. I can't say the same today (though I still crave a good soccer game!).

casey the college celiac
A gym friend doesn't hurt either!
Bottom line? For working out to work out in your life...don't be afraid to try new things, go with the flow and do what makes you and your body happy!

*Also found at RunningwithSpoon's link party!*

What is your favourite form of workout? How have your exercising conduct modified with time? Comment underneath!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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