Stacked, Food Well Built: Gluten Free Restaurant Review

All of my good friends know that "stacked" is a food philosophy I often live by. I stack my salads up in towers to heaven, stack my stuffed potatoes with all the melted goodies, and my pizzas? All those toppings add up to a casserole feel. So, you can understand why a restaurant named "Stacked" started out on my good side. Throw in a customizable gluten-free menu, and I was drooling.

I first learned about the California chain, "Stacked, Food Well Made" from a friend with multiple food allergies. For a girls' night out, Stacked was the one place everyone could eat atsafely - not to mention deliciously!

Stacked, Food Well Built: Gluten Free Restaurant Review

The concept of Stacked is personalization to the extreme. Instead of ordering through a waiter or waitress, customers build and order their own meals on an IPad. And, because every ingredient is customizable, you only pay for what you get. No more paying for burger toppings you just set to the side!

While the lesser waiter involvement may sound like a red flag for those with celiac or food allergies, Stacked ensures that every gluten free ingredient shows a "No Wheat symbol" when it is clicked on. No celiac spiel needed - just click, check for the GF symbol, and prepare to dig in!

Stacked, Food Well Built: Gluten Free Restaurant Review
Some Ipad movement!

I also love Stacked because of its menu variety. Besides offering burgers, they also have salads, house specials, pizzas, Mac and cheese and desserts - all customizable (of course) and all with gluten free options! One of the big selling points for me? House made fries and potato chips marked as "gluten free" to show that they are made in a separate fryer. Score!

So far, I've gone twice in one month since coming back to school. First with friends as a double date; second as my birthday dinner out with my family and boyfriend. Both times received raving reviews. The gluten-eaters devoured a Thanksgiving burger with a pretzel bun, a pizza my sister swears is the best she's ever eaten, and a Burger Mac and cheese (basically a burger minus the bun and plus a lot of Mac and cheese goodness).

Stacked, Food Well Built: Gluten Free Restaurant Review
Perfect for the gluten and gluten-unfastened eater!

As for me and my gluten intolerant mom, we both are suckers for a good gluten free bun. While my mom ordered (and loved) her Beef burger with a Thanksgiving twist, I stuck with my favorite: a blackened chicken burger with avocado, tomato, greens, Daiya cheese and ketchup. (I've had the blackened salmon burger in the past and loved it equally, but Stacked knows how to cook their chicken!) My mom and I also ordered a big serving of gluten free French fries to split.

On both visits, my chicken was cooked perfectly - charred on the edges, but juicy in the center. The bun held together decently and tasted delicious thanks to a little crispifying action. As for the toppings, they tasted fresh and were definitely stacked high. The size of our order of fries was equally generous - mom and I donated a handful to the other eaters and still took some home with us!

Stacked, Food Well Built: Gluten Free Restaurant Review
Favorites from my 3 visits!

It is true that some of the entrees can be pricey; however, in quality and quantities, you get what you pay for. And being able to walk in, order and eat safely as a celiac without a huge fuss is priceless in my mind!

As a girl who loves experimenting and combining foods to the max, Stacked earns a solid 9.5/10 review in my book! From the endless choices to the high quality of food, I wouldn't have picked anywhere else to celebrate my big 2-0. Not to mention many non-Chipotle date nights in the future!

*Also found at RunningwithSpoon's link party!*

Have you ever eaten at Stacked? What are your favored toppings for a burger? Comment underneath!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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