Monthly Favorites: June 2016

As usual, it's hard to believe that June has come and gone...but looking back, it's easy to see where all of the time went! June flew by at full speed and I know life won't be slowing down anytime soon - or, at least until August!

So what exactly have I been up to? That's what this post is all about of course!

casey the college celiac
All smiles here!

What I'm Eating

For this celiac, June entered the hall of fame for good eatin'. That's what traveling will do for a gal! Here are some especially scrumptious highlights:

Veggie enchiladas at Tortilla Jo's in Disneyland. I've already raved over these babies in multiple blog posts, but they deserve another round of applause. This lunch - featuring corn tortillas stuffed with sauteed veggies and red sauce with sides of black beans and cilantro rice - really is one of the best Mexican meals I've ever eaten.

AKA heaven!
Homemadeveggie soup with the fluffiest gluten free biscuit I've ever tasted! For me, there's no bettercomfort food than soup made of slicedveggies with a little chicken stock, blackbeans, spinach and avocado. The GF roll from theXocolatte bakery was just a deliciousbonus.

A turkey burger with a gluten free bun, loads of toppings and a side of sweet tater fries. Ruggles Green never fails to deliver a delicious, gluten free meal and this was no exception.

What I'm Doing

Traveling like a mad woman. I swear, I'm squeezing in five summer's worth of activities into three months. After having a blast at Disneyland early in June, I ended the month with two weeks in Texas visiting family. Cue lots of gluten free restaurants, thrift shopping, and catching up with family.

casey the college celiac
One of my hilarious reveals...Which I sold, no shame!

Working like a mad woman. My internship is definitely keeping me busy. I'm super excited for Entity Magazine to go live at the end of this month and I've definitely already learned a lot. I have a few big projects for work coming up soon, so wish me luck!

Exercising to keep from feeling like a mad woman. If you've never tried the Nike Training Club, definitely correct that ASAP! They just updated their app. Now, not only are there tons of new workouts, but you can also explore workouts by intensity, equipment used and skill level. This app has been my secret weapon for working out away from home!

casey the college celiac
Warning: you may be a sweaty mess after....

Experimenting with blog tools like a mad scientist. (Noticing a theme, here?) I've lately been loving Medium and Triberr as new places to share my posts and connect with others. Any gluten free or healthy living bloggers on Triberr? Hit me up to join my tribes!

What I'm Planning

Tackling several big projects for work, as mentioned early. I can't give too many details, but I can say that I'm playing teacher and hosting a few writing classes. I'm definitely nervous, but I know it will be a great growing experience.

Taking the keep your fingers crossed for me! For those who don't know, the GRE is a grad school exam. Which is why I've been memorizing words like "restive" and "volubility" in my free time.

casey the college celiac
Colorado certain!

Packing! It's insane to think about but my family and I will be driving out to Colorado Springs by the end of the month! Bring on the boxes and cross-country drive...

What I'm looking forward to most, though? Writing my July reflection post - which will prove that I survived this crazy month! If I wasn't worried about getting all of my projects done, though, I wouldn't be pushing myself hard enough. Now, bring on lots of good food, crazy adventures and chances to grow. Ready or not, here I come!

*Also found at Wine'd Down Wednesday!*

What were your June highlights?

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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