From an IV to an Interview with GFree & Happy

I like to think of memories as marbles. Some grow foggy with age; some roll under the sofa, lost forever in the catacombs of the mind. The very best, though, we place on our bedroom shelf and admire during hard times. My interview last night with Kathy Nelson, who runs a GF blog series at, formed one of those prized marbles.

Traditionally, Monday draws the short end of the stack. Few wake up cheerfully and nobody honors it by song - though "Friday" by Rebecca Black may have been more punishment than pleasure. For me, yesterday's Monday morning skipped unenthusiastic and sped straight towards hellish.

It began at the ungodly hour of 5:30 am when, after riding comatose to the hospital, I trudged down the white halls dressed like a mini gangster in my huge sweat pants and t shirt. I ain't getting dressed up for stuff like this! Then came the doctors. The risks, the goals, and, of course, the medical students staring at me through the window. After I was doped up (thank goodness!) I don't remember much. As per my usual luck, though, my procedure took three times longer than normal. Apparently I kept waking up (even with anasthesia) during the middle it in true zombie-never-stay-down fashion.

Rockin' my clinical arm band

Eventually, though, I did wake up and remain up once the procedure was over. It wasn't a happy awakening - nobody's happy after a tube made acquaintance with their intestines for three hours straight - but I could leave! It was over! Finally!

Except, it wasn't really over. Even as I type this, my throat is screaming bloody murder and my arm looks like a beaten eggplant from their attempts to take blood. Memories of last night, though, counteract the pain (at least for a couple moments) because last night I talked face to face with Kathy Nelson via Skype.

I was lucky in that I had about five hours between getting home still high off anesthesia and talking to gluten free viewers live on Skype. Just 'cause I was lucid doesn't mean I wasn't nervous though! Some people worry about sounding too weird during interviews; I worried about sounding like the boringdoped-up doll I was a few hours back.

A photo of Kathy from her internet site

Immediately after the interview started, though, I relaxed. Kathy's amazing personality and charisma made me feel comfortable right away. We crammed a ton in those thirty minutes (my top ten GF products, my diagnosis, college tips , and more) and I enjoyed every second of it. We laughed, we connected with other gluten free viewers, and I basked in the welcomingglow of the celiac community after one miserable Monday morning.

Because, really, the support from my family and the gluten free community is what has kept me afloat despite all the challenges. When I started this blog, I never imagined anyone would read it, not to mention tweet it, comment on it and want to interview me about it. When I was sick, strangers from the Internet wished me good health; after every achievement, those same strangers share my joy. The best gift a newly diagnosed celiac will receive is support from others and I want to say THANK YOU for that.

Of course, there is an extra big thank you for Kathy, whose interview entirely brightened up my Monday.Watch my interview here for more personal stories, jokes, and my list of the top ten gluten free products every college celiac should bring! She has a new interview lined up every Monday so check it out !

What's the more severe scientific experience you've had due to celiacs? Has the celiac network helped you deal? Comment underneath!

Mustaqim Jaed Saya Seorang Yang Hoby Menulis Dan Menggambar.

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